LogiTrans 4.0 2019 Abstracts

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 1

A Multi-Agent based Decision Framework for Sustainable Supplier Selection, Order Allocation and Routing Problem


Maria Drakaki, Hacer Güner Gören and Panagiotis Tzionas

Abstract: Supply chain decisions should aim for sustainability, in order to meet the global market needs, as well as the Industry 4.0 requirements, therefore they should consider beyond economic and environmental, societal dimensions as well. The complexity in decision making increases, moreover, supply network relationships become important, including inter-relationships and those developed with the suppliers. Agent technology is compatible with Industry 4.0, whereas multi-agent systems (MAS) can provide decision support for supply chain management and model the relatationships and interactions between entities in the supply chain environment. Therefore, in this paper, a MAS-based framework is proposed to address sustainability focused decision making in supplier selection, order allocation and routing. Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approaches and multi-objective programming are used by the agents in the MAS in order to adress sustainability requirements. Futrhermore, developed agent services for the supply chain business processes are integrated with web services, in order to facilitate business process execution as web services.

Paper Nr: 3

Improving Road Safety by Affecting Negative Factors


Irina Makarova, Gulnara Yakupova, Polina Buyvol, Ksenia Shubenkova, Kuanysh Abeshev and Maria Drakaki

Abstract: The current increase in automobilization leads to a decrease in road safety. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze and identify the causes that significantly affect the size and severity of accidents. Most often, only the time factor is analyzed, which includes the month, day of the week and directly the time of day when the accident occurred. However, among the influencing factors it is necessary to consider such as weather and climatic conditions, the parameters of the road and the surrounding infrastructure, the condition of the driver, the type of incident and the type of violation. The main problem in constructing a model explaining the dependence of target factors is the sparsity of the initial data and a large number of independent variables. In this regard, the construction of a unambiguous predictive model is difficult. However, general patterns and factors potentially influencing the result were identified. For this purpose, both the classical methods of descriptive statistics and the methods of intelligence and prognostic analysis were used. The adoption of measures affecting the selected factors will reduce human losses. At the same time, the evaluation of made decisions effectiveness should be based on feedback.

Paper Nr: 5

Application of the Statistical Analysis Methods for Improving the Managing the Dealer-service Network Efficiency


Irina Makarova, Larisa Gabsalikhova, Eduard Mukhametdinov, Ksenia Shubenkova and Aleksandr Kapitonov

Abstract: The article proposes a method to increase the efficiency of dealership service centres (DSC) based on the system analysis use. The method is based on clustering the DSC into groups according to formats, a differentiated approach to the assessment of their activities and the relative useful efficiency calculation. The analysing purpose effectiveness of the dealer-service network (DSN) is to obtain an objective efficiency assessment of each DSC, identify the causes of inefficient operations and develop a strategy for improvement. As a formalization tool, it is proposed to use the software product Konsi-DEA ANALYSIS, which allows to evaluate the parameters of the objects functioning, as well as calculate the coefficients of efficiency and superefficiency for each of them.

Paper Nr: 7

The Use of the Decision Support System to Control Bicycle Transportation


Irina Makarova, Aleksey Boyko, Eduard Tsybunov, Krzysztof Żabiński and Kuanysh Abeshev

Abstract: City transport problems that today exist practically everywhere require from city authorities together with scientists to develop new ways of ensuring transport system’s sustainability. One of such ways is promotion of non-motorised transport among the population. However, such problems as the lack of necessary bicycle infrastructure and the vulnerability of cyclists prevent population from shifting to non-motorised modes of transport. Authors have considered existing positive experience of implementing bicycles into city transport systems and came to the conclusion that the identified problems should be solved in a comprehensive manner. For this, authors suggest the Decision Support System (DSS) that will help to plan the development of bicycle infrastructure and to evaluate its efficiency and safety. Moreover, the proposed DSS allows building possible cycling routes and choosing the best one on the base of their road and ecological safety calculation.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 2

Cloud Railroad Simulator


M. Aristombayeva, A. Duisenbayeva, K. Shubenkova and V. Shepelev

Abstract: The throughput and carrying capacity is the important characteristics of the railway lines which shows transportation opportunities. This is impossible to plan the freight traffic on the net without it. This paper introduces a simple cloud railroad simulator for cargo trains for calculating the throughput and carrying capacity. For simulation purposes the user need to fill in all necessary data in a browser, and the results will be shown on the server side. Once data has been entered into the program, the system allows to obtain a more accurate representation of reality of the railway system.

Paper Nr: 4

Improving Computer Support System for Drivers with Multiport Memory Devices


Khasanov Rafael, Shepelev Vladimir, Almetova Zlata, Shubenkova Ksenia and Meruert Aristombayeva

Abstract: The deficiencies of existing methods and means of computer support in the positioning of vehicles have been identified. The objective function for assessing the effectiveness of decision making when choosing the positioning mode for a group of mobile objects on the roadway in the conditions of insufficient visual information is defined, with the criteria for estimating the quality and effectiveness being established. A stratified cellular model for roadways is developed, where the road is viewed as an extended object in the space, the borders of which are digitized by the satellite navigation system “GLONASS/GPS” with the required degree of discreteness and accuracy. The roadway model is realized as a multi-page dynamic array and is used in the developed simulation model of vehicle traffic control, with navigation data errors being taken into account. The platform prototype can be implemented on the basis of VRAM, WRAM, MDRAM, ZigBee-modems “ETRX2-PA”, driver support systems based on mobile computers such as GLONASS/GPS-modules of the “SIM68EVB KIT” type. The received results are recommended for creating computer support systems for drivers, and for managing vehicles in the conditions of insufficient visual information.

Paper Nr: 6

Product Reliability Management throughout the Life Cycle on Transition to Industry 4.0


Irina Makarova, Eduard Mukhametdinov, Vadim Mavrin and Assema Duisenbayeva

Abstract: The article deals with the actual problem: ensuring the reliability of technical systems in the digital era and at the transition to Industry 4.0. The authors reviewed the existing positive international experience and opportunities for digitalization, as well as particular qualities of the factories of the future and production during the transition to Industry 4.0. It is shown that focusing on customer needs can create problems in the field of ensuring the technical systems reliability. In addition, in such conditions it is important to shorten the duration of various processes. As a particular example, the authors consider the process of conducting strength tests. To reduce the time of testing, the article authors developed a DSS for document management in a central strength laboratory of an automotive company. Although the authors investigated a specific example, but this technique is universal and can be used for similar processes and for other sectors of the economy.