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Previous Awards

The papers receiving these awards were selected from a set of outstanding papers, based on the quantitative and qualitative classifications as well as comments provided by the program committee reviewers, their final classification as full paper and their oral presentation at the conference.

2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015


Best Paper Award

Area: Intelligent Vehicle Technologies
Practical Depth Estimation with Image Segmentation and Serial U-Nets
Kyle J. Cantrell, Craig D. Miller and Carlos W. Morato

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Intelligent Vehicle Technologies
Classification of Driver Intentions at Roundabouts
Moritz Sackmann, Henrik Bey, Ulrich Hofmann and Jörn Thielecke

Best Poster Award

Area: Intelligent Transport Systems and Infrastructure
Towards a Comprehensive Model for the Impact of Traffic Patterns on Air Pollution
Caterina Balzotti, Maya Briani, Barbara de Filippo and Benedetto Piccoli

Best Industrial Paper Award

Area: Intelligent Vehicle Technologies
3D Object Detection from LiDAR Data using Distance Dependent Feature Extraction
Guus Engels, Nerea Aranjuelo, Ignacio Arganda-Carreras, Marcos Nieto and Oihana Otaegui


Best Paper Award

Area: Intelligent Vehicle Technologies
Lane Accurate Detection of Map Changes based on Low Cost Smartphone Data
Florian Jomrich, Daniel Bischoff, Steffen Knapp, Tobias Meuser, Björn Richerzhagen and Ralf Steinmetz

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Intelligent Vehicle Technologies
Mental Imagery for Intelligent Vehicles
Alice Plebe, Riccardo Donà, Gastone Pietro Papini Rosati and Mauro Da Lio

Best Poster Award

Area: Connected Vehicles
Practical Security and Privacy Threat Analysis in the Automotive Domain: Long Term Support Scenario for Over-the-Air Updates
Alexandr Vasenev, Florian Stahl, Hayk Hamazaryan, Zhendong Ma, Lijun Shan, Joerg Kemmerich and Claire Loiseaux

Best Industrial Paper Award

Area: Intelligent Vehicle Technologies
Accelerated RRT* and Its Evaluation on Autonomous Parking
Jiri Vlasak, Michal Sojka and Zdeněk Hanzálek


Best Paper Award

Area: Intelligent Transport Systems and Infrastructure
Weather-Tuned Network Perimeter Control - A Network Fundamental Diagram Feedback Controller Approach
Maha Elouni and Hesham Rakha

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Connected Vehicles
Adaptive Decision Making based on Temporal Information Dynamics
Tobias Meuser, Martin Wende, Patrick Lieser, Björn Richerzhagen and Ralf Steinmetz

Best Poster Award

Area: Intelligent Vehicle Technologies
Analysis of the GNSS Error Distribution for the Generation of a Cooperative Environment Model for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Florian Alexander Schiegg, Tobias Frye and Florian Wildschütte


Best Paper Award

Area: Intelligent Vehicle Technologies
Road Estimation and Fuel Optimal Control of an Off-Road Vehicle
Jörgen Albrektsson and Jan Åslund

Best Poster Award

Area: Intelligent Vehicle Technologies
Intelligent Agents for Supporting Driving Tasks: An Ontology-based Alarms System
V. Zamora, O. Sipele, A. Ledezma and A. Sanchis


Best Paper Award

Area: Intelligent Vehicle Technologies
A Unified Real-time Automatic Congestion Identification Model Considering Weather and Roadway Visibility Conditions
Mohammed Elhenawy, Hesham Rakha and Hao Chen

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Intelligent Vehicle Technologies
Dynamic Pricing and Energy Management Strategy for EV Charging Stations under Uncertainties
Chao Luo, Yih-Fang Huang and Vijay Gupta

Best Poster Award

Area: Intelligent Vehicle Technologies
The Technology of Management of Data About Wireless Networks for Vehicle’s Telematics Map
Mikhail Chuvatov, Vadim Glazunov, Leonid Kurochkin and Serge Popov


Best Paper Award

Area: Connected Vehicles
Privacy Issues and Pitfalls in VANET Standards
Sebastian Bittl and Arturo A. Gonzalez

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Intelligent Vehicle Technologies
Automatic Obstacle Classification using Laser and Camera Fusion
Aurelio Ponz, C. H. Rodríguez-Garavito, Fernando García, Philip Lenz, Christoph Stiller and J. M. Armingol

Best Demo Paper Award
