Cities around the world are experiencing great challenges in terms of resiliency and adaptability in the face of fast-growing populations, high dependency on critical infrastructure, and extreme events. The more complex the transportation system, the greater the potential for disruptions. In this special session we address the resiliency and energy efficiency aspects in urban transport systems from the perspective of ICT-based research, considering approaches such as advanced data analysis, novel models of traffic behavior, real-time decision support systems, infrastructure for sustainable transportation (e.g., electric vehicles, bicycles, etc.), networking protocols and secure communications in vehicular networks, among others. The session promotes discussion of the integration of computing, communications, and control methods to enable resilient energy-efficient urban transportation systems in Smart Cities.
- Advanced data analysis of transportation networks
- Novel models of traffic behavior in urban scenarios
- Design of real-time decision support systems for resilient transportation
- Design and adaptation of energy efficient sustainable transport infrastructure for electric vehicles
- Use of renewable energy sources in urban transportation - Modeling of information security problems and impact in resiliency of urban transportation
- Cross-layer design for data dissemination in resilient heterogeneous wireless vehicular networks
- Design of physical layer schemes with non-traditional technologies for resilient vehicular communication
- Software-defined resilient networking architectures for ad-hoc and VANETs
- Mechanisms for mitigating impact of security threats algorithms for vehicular coordination